Saturday, December 6, 2008

More Snow is on the way

OK Get Ready... Here comes some more. We already have winter storm Waring's and even blizzard warnings threw the area..Some estimates of some snow totals were up to 14" since last night...that's a ton.

Now i just checked out the wind gust and get ready and hold your hats.. We have wind gust up to 50 MPH coming our way and winds sustained at 20-30 MPH...

This means that we can expect white out conditions with tons of blowing snow and even more snow falling..

The bulls eye looks to be on Atnrim Country because the winds will be out the west which means that will be were the heaviest snow is going to fall. So be prepared for another 6-8 inches of snow in the normal heavy snow belt areas

Now for next week we are also looking at another possible storm for Monday night into Tuesday which could bring some more heavy snow to the region.....Can't Wait

Talk To You Tomorrow
Dylan Rodenbaugh

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